3rd CESMA-UEMS European Exam
for the European Diploma in Angiology/VascularMedicine
27th November 2014- Milan (I)
See criteria and Application Form:
Cesma Uems EU Diploma
11th EUROPEAN Angiology DAYS
Scientific Academic Meetings
Updating Scientific Workshops and European Cooperative Projects
28th – 30th November 2014
Cascina Canova – Uggiate Trevano (CO)- Italy
Final Synthetic Programme
Friday7.30 pm- Opening the Academic Meeting
7.15-9.30 pm- 1st Scientific Session:
Chairman: P.Colgan (IRL) –Z. Pecsvarady (H)
- Opening Ceremony: Perspectives of Angiology/Vascular Medicine: M.Catalano (I) 20’
- Deep Venous Valves reconstruction: indications and results: O.Maleti (I) 30’
- Memorial Lecture for Professor MM Samama
- “Hypercoagulable states and clinical implication”: G.Gerotziafas (F) 30’
8.30-12am 2nd Scientific Session
”Varicose Veins Therapy: competence of Angiology/Vascular Medicine Specialists”
Chairman: P: Poredos (SL) -L.Moraglia (F)
- Burden of Varicose Veins: JC.Wautrecht (B) 30’
- Thermoablation 1: L.Allouche (F) 30’
- Thermoablation 2: N.Neaume (F) 30’
- Chemical Ablation: L.Moraglia (F) 45’
- Criteria for Accreditation of a EU Training Center for Venous Treatment: P. Poredos (SL) 30’
- Discussion with distribution of a Draft Document
1.30 pm-3.00 pm- Educational Section for Patients ”Questions to the European Experts”
N.Jatoi (PK)-K.Knavs(SL)-G.Dimitrov(I)-A.Stanek (PL)
Chairman: M.Kozak (SL)- G.Marakomichelakis (GR)
3.00 pm- 6.45 pm VAS Projects:
- Educational
Chairman P.Fitzgerald (IRL)- J.Woodcock (UK)
- Awareness
Chairman K.Farkas (H)- M.Sprynger (B)
- Research
Chairman O. Karahan (TK)- A.Szuba (PL)
B.Fazeli (IR)
- Papers
Chairman B.Fagrell (S)- A.Sieron (PL)
6.45 pm-7.15 pm BEEAVM Section: Chairman D. Olinic (RO)
7.15 pm-7.45 pm UEMS Division of Angiology/Vascular Medicine
Chairman M- Catalano
Board of the Section
8.00 pm-8.30 pm CESMA-UEMS Diploma and European Master Diploma Ceremony
“VAS Baton Ceremony” for Bengt Fagrell
8.30 pm Informal Dinner
8.00am-10.30am- 3rd Scientific Session Multidisciplinary Joint Section
Collaboration between R3i (Residual Risk Reduction Initiative) and VAS
“Residual Risk in Vascular Patients”
Chairman: M. Hermans (B)- G. Gerotziafas (F)
- The Residual Risk: M.Hermans (B) 30’
- The Epidemiological Concept of Residual Risk: A.Zambon (I) 30’
- Cardiometabolic Risk as a component for a new global and residual Risk assessment: J.M.Núñez-Cortés (E) 30’
- Guidelines: Threshold in Cardiovascular Risk Prevention: M.Kavousi (NL) 30’
10.30am-12.30am “VAS-International Consortium “ – Multivoices Session
Chairman: M. Catalano (I) – B.Fagrell (S)
- Aims
- State of the art & Organization
- First steps
12.30pm Closing remarks
Congress Registration No onsite registration· Registration form to be sent to:vas@unimi.it· Registration fee:VAS Members€ 60- Non Members€300 Banco di Desio e della Brianza IBAN IT74 V034 4033 0300 0000 0161 200 – BIC/SWIFT BDBD IT 22
Accommodation- Accommodation at controlled costs will be available on request. Hotel information available from the Secretariat.
Scientific Coordination Prof. Mariella Catalano-University of Milan-Research Center on Vascular Diseases & Angiology Unit
Congress Secretariat Research Center on Vascular Diseases and Angiology Unit University of Milan – L.Sacco Hospital- Via G.B. Grassi 74 20157 Milan (Italy) Phone +39-02-50319817-78 (10.00-15.30) Fax +39-02-50319816 Registration Contact E-mail vas@unimi.it