The aims of VAS research are to develop knowledge in the vascular area for the purpose to prevent, to develop the potential of diagnostics and treatment and to improve the quality of life of patients as individuals and as members of society.
- VAS promotes independent research not reliant on financial interests, based on co-operation between researchers and clinicians and among centres operating in the Angiology/Vascular Medicine Area, and on a multi-disciplinary approach, sharing general principles and specific goals.
- Each project is based on voluntary participation by the Centres and by the researchers and clinicians, and has the benefit of the existing organisational tools co-ordinated by VAS.
- VAS can promote, coordinate or take part in EU Research Calls.
- VAS is fully independent as far as concerns formulation and management of studies, drafting and publication of the relevant documentation. see Ethic Commitments
- Each Centre may present research projects that share the aims of VAS to the VAS Research Team.
- The ethical aspects of each project proposed and its compliance with the principles of VAS are investigated by the Ethics and Guarantors Committees.
- The projects are co-ordinated centrally (by the VAS headquarters) in order to enable fair distribution of the facilities and of information. The party proposing the project will be in charge of it as project chairman, together with the Scientific and the Research Teams.
- Each publication will be drafted by a writing group but published as VAS, with the names of all the people at the centres working on the study. Any other parties contributing in any way towards the study are mentioned, as well as the members of the Project Team and the Project Chairman.
- VAS can also take part in Research organised by other Organisations, after approval by the VAS Ethic/Guarantors Committee.
VAS Biobank on Vascular Diseases
The European Biobank on Vascular Diseases and its Sub-project European Biobank on PAD Patients (from here on called EBVD-EBPp) and the one on Buerger Patients are a part of VAS’Research projects on vascular diseases. The Biobank is part of the BBMRI. Click here to learn more about it.