PAD and Vascular European Days

What are PAD & Vascular European Days

Held every year on the third Wednesday and Thursday of March (with optional social events during the weekend) to Raise awareness of Vascular Disease which are largely preventable both in their development and in their evolution.


9th Edition 2024 – March

Are you going to organize a Day? Please be in contact

***Due to Coronavirus restrinctions, in some Country /Areas it won’t be possible to organize them during 2022.***

For any information and to join, send us an email.

The Main slogan are:

“No more Vascular Amputation”
“No more Venous Ulcers”

Join the 22 Scientific Societies in collaboration with VAS:

Associazione contro le Malattie Vascolari-AmaVas
Associazione Medici Diabetologi-AMD
Austrian  Society Angiology – OGIA
Belgian Working Group on Angiology
Czech Angiology Society
French Society of Vascular Medicine-SFMV
Greek Society of Lymphology-GSL
Greek  Society Diabetic Foot
Hungarian Society of Angiology & Vascular Surgery-MAET
Italian Society of Vascular Pathologies–SIAPAV
Polish Society of Angiology
Romanian Society of Angiology & Vascular Surgery
Società Italiana Medici di Medicina Generale-SIMG
Slovak Society of Angiology
Slovenian Vascular Society
Swedish Society of Hypertension, Stroke & Vascular Medicine
The College of Podiatry-UK
Vascular Medicine Ireland
Turkish Society of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
VAS ‘Vascular Patients European Network
European Society of Lymphology
International Union of Angiology
UEMS Division of Angiology/Vascular Medicine



An International Calendar to Follow Intiatives Worldwide

We are working to build up a Worldwide Calendar, with the collaboration of the International PAD Strategic Network, the VAS-International Consortium, of several Centres and National Societies around the World. News will come soon. Il you want to help and collaborate, please send by the above “Join” and “Suggestions” your address and ideas.

Why PAD & Vascular European Days

click here to learn more about vascular diseases and our campaign

Past Editions available Materials