Educational Programmes and Recognitions/Accreditations

Fostering European Education and Training in Angiology/Vascular Medicine is a primary charter of VAS to improve harmonize the European offer and to Accreditated qualified expertises.
The triad Research – Education – Clinical Practice has been at the core of VAS culture right from its inception, to exploit the synergy between education and research and ensure the timely implementation of results in clinical practice.
VAS facilitates, promotes and organises a variety of courses and training programmes to expand and deepen the clinical knowledge about Angiology/Vascular Disease.
Education programmes are issued directly by VAS as well as in conjunction with University, Research Center, Hospital bodies throughout Europe aimed to graduate MD’s and qualified clinical professionals.




  • To circulate basic and specialised knowledge in the field of Angiology/Vascular Medicine among medical and healthcare personnel.
  • To create a European harmonized view ad proposals  concerning training in Angiology/Vascular Medicine for specialised doctors, researchers and healthcare personnel. Training of this type provides the foundations for any co-operative research and for ensuring quality in caring for European patients.
  • To obtain recognition and Accreditation of the specialty, specialist and Centres
  • To increase the involvement of young Europeans in Angiology/Vascular Medicine, both in research and in clinical medicine.
  • To promote the participation of non-european research and clinical personnel in training projects, both as a basis for future co-operation and for spreading the European line.
  • To facilitate meetings, integration and multi-disciplinary cultural exchanges.
  • To facilitate meetings, integration and cultural exchanges at international level.
  • To ensure the independence of training from any and all financial interests.
  • To help awareness with patients education and projects for general population.


  • European post-graduate training projects (Master’s degree, Post-graduate studies, Fellowships, etc.) at various levels
  • CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology/Vascular Medicine (BEEAVM born by the collaboration between  UEMS Division of A/VM and VAS)
  • Creating facilities for facilitating participation of young people and needy non-European Countries
  • Working in the field of training with a European Panel of highly qualified teachers  (European Teaching Panel) who can alternate on the basis of the training needs for the specific project, and meeting multidisciplinary training criteria. Specialised and qualified European Training Centres able to take on the trainees and guarantee their training in accordance with  the highest standards.
  • Defining co-operation, including official agreements with Universities, Scientific Societies and other bodies in the field of training.
  • From Socrates to Erasmus for Pre-graduate students

Recognitions and Accreditations