Ethical issue and a realistic tool
New VAS Call: “No More Venous Ulcers”
No More Venous Ulcers! follows the first slogan (Campaign ”No More Vascular Amputation!”) to prevent and eliminate un-ethical complications in vascular disease. The prevalence of leg ulcers is about 1% of the population and 3% after 80 years old. As mostly of the Vascular Diseases they will increase due to the longer life expectancy. 80% of leg ulcers are vascular (venous 50%). 7% of venous ulcers remain unhealed after 12 months. 70% is the recurrence rate at 3 months. They are preventable and need a new point of view in the Health Care organization, to save pain, quality of life, social and personal costs. Societies, Centres, MD and Specialists as well as Patients Organizations are invited to join and collaborate defining a commune strategy, disseminate information and obtain results.
VAS referee
Malay Patel (IN), Agata Stanek (PL), George Marakomichelakis (GR), Luc Moraglia (FR), Benilde Cosmi (IT), Oliver Schlager (AT)
International Network
In progress