- The creation of the embryo of European collaboration in Milan in ‘91 as the European Working Group on Medical Angiology which in ’98 became VAS-Vascular-Independent Research and Education-European Organisation. (See: VAS Brief History)
- Activation of the European Fellowship in Medical Angiology (1996) (See: Education)
- Modified definition “ Medical Angiology” to “Angiology/Vascular Medicine” (meeting of VAS-Cooperative Societies – 2001) (See: VAS Brief History)
- Publication of the “Critical Leg Ischemia Prevention Study (CLIPS)” J Intern Med 2007 (See: Research)
- Obtained approval from the UEMS Council to activate the UEMS Division of Angiology/Vascular Medicine (2008). (See: UEMS)
- Obtained and promoted the CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology/Vascular Medicine (through the European Exam in Angiology/Vascular Medicine organized by EBEAVM) (2012) (See: European Diploma EBEAVM)
- Organisation of European Educational Programmes with formal agreements with several European Universities/Organisations (European Master in Angiology/Vascular Medicine, Postgraduate Courses) (starting from 2005). (See: Education)
- Creation of a well qualified European Teaching Panel with various multidisciplinary collaborations. (See: Organization)
- Promoted and being responsible for the Certification of the European Training Centres (necessary for UEMS Accreditation). (See: Education)
- Creation of the European Biobank of Vascular Diseases, active on the PAD project (EBPp in BBMRI) (See: European Biobank)
- Creation of the Italian Association AmaVas as prototype for collaboration between researchers, clinicians, patients and population . (See: Awareness)
- Giving life to the “PAD & Vascular European Days” (19-20 March 2014) (See: PAD & Vascular European Days)