Announcement of the 7th Edition of the European Master in Angiology/Vascular Medicine
to be activated in the 1st semester of the academic year 2014 – 2016
The announcement concerning applications for the Masters’ Courses to be activated in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2014/2016, the deadline for applications being 30th October 2014, 12 PM.
Applications shall be submitted on line only, through the specific SIFA service available at the University’s web site. In order to publish the announcement, we need some information which you are kindly asked to provide:
A Unique Master
To create culture and European qualifications in the field of Angiology/Vascular Medicine (synonyms) through its vast international collaboration:
– In 1991 the European Working Group was set up, which in 1998 became VAS: a No Profit – European Scientific Association. VAS unites the most qualified European Centres in the field of Angiology/Vascular Medicine aiming at independent research, training and motivating institutes and the general public.
-The VAS-European Teaching Panel of Lecturers is the didactic skeleton and forms a tight collaboration which has continued acquiring institutional recognition (UEMS, contracts with EuropeanUniversities and Scientific Societies).
-Researchers, clinicians and specialists also from other fields all collaborate in VAS’ training and research projects.
– Educational Projects have been set up, tightly integrated with clinics and research (also for the Master).
– The VII Edition of the Master was set up with strong collaboration and has been signed by a contract between the:
University of Milan,
and other 7 European Institutes;
Univerity of Wien (A),
Charles University of Prague (CZ),
Iuliu Hatieganu University, Cluj-Napoca(R),
Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (B),
University of Lubiana (SL)
Hungarian National Society (MAET)
University of Zurich (CH)
with the aim of an agreement with other Universities and the aim to define of a common Diploma.
– Further 15 European Centres join those preceding for practical training (total 23 Centres).
– Enrolment to the MASTER means, therefore, entrance to a consolidated international Network, the possibility to attend one or more European Centres, take part in the drafting of a Cochrane Review and to a European Collaborative Research.
– European Master in Angiology Vascular Medicine is the only Master which permits access (see criteria) to the CESM-UEMS European Exam in Angiology/Vascular Medicine to obtain the CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology/Vascular Medicine and is also the briefest way to access
Place where the course will be held.
Headquarters and Office Research Centre on Vascular Disease – University of Milan – Angiology Unit – L. Sacco Hospital – Via G.B. Grassi 74 – 20157 – Milan>
c/o Master Headquarters
and in E-Learning
Tutorial and Practical Training (including interim evaluations) :
Ospedale L.Sacco –Milano (I)
General Hospital University of Vienna (A)
UniversityMedicalCenter – Lubiana (SL)
Flor Ferenc Teaching Hospital – Kistarcsa (H)
Medical Clinic n. 1 Hospital – Cluj Napoca (R)
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble (F)
Inst. Clin Exper Medicine – Praga (CZ)
UniversityHospitalEssen (D)
ULB Hopital Erasme – Bruxelles (B)
Földiklinik GmbH Hinterzarten (D).
Az Ospedaliera Universitaria Vittorio Veneto – Catania (I)
Ospedale Policlinico GB Rossi Borgo Roma-Verona (I)
JamesConnellyMemorialHospital – Dublino (IRL)
Ospedale Gemelli – Roma (I)
CharlesUniversityHospital of Prague (CZ)
CHU de Toulouse – Hôpital Rangueil (F)
UniversityHospitalZurich (CH)
Trziszka z Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego (P)
Teaching Hospital, ComeniusUniversity, Bratislava (SL)
MedicalUniversity of Graz (A)
Beaumont Hospital, Dublin (IRL)
SRH Klinikum Karlsbad (D)
Ospedale S.Giacomo- Castelfranco Veneto-Treviso (I)
Final Exam :
c/o Master Headquarters
Starting date of the activities
27th November 2014
Completion date of the activities
Before European Angiology Days 2015, written theoretical and practical exam in Milan (mid-November, 1st week December). Interim evaluation will take place at the end of the practical course in the Centre or Centres where training takes place (within 18 months).
Date of the selection and venue
Evaluation of titles and CV (October) by the Board of the Organising Committee
Date of publication of the list of enrolled students
November 2014
Grants, if any
At the moment not available
Programme Outline
154 hrs theoretical lessons in part frontal teaching and in part e-learning (VAS-European Teaching Panel)
420 hrs Tutorial Training
250 hrs Practical Training (2- and 3- in one or more certified European Centres)
Master Coordinator
Prof. M. Catalano
European Organising Committee
M. Catalano (I), E. Minar (A), R. Kopensteiner (A) Z. Pecsvarady (H), B. Amann-Vesti (CH), P. Poredos (SLO), D.Olinic (R), J.C. Wautrecht (B), D. Karetova (CZ), A.Bura Reviere (F).
Organising Secretariat
Research Centre on Vascular Disease – University of Milan – Angiology Unit – L. Sacco Hospital –
Via G.B. Grassi 74 – 20157 Milan
Phone 00390250319817
Fax 00390250319816
Web site
For English speaking students
N.B. Please note that the office responsible for all the information and administrative procedures concerning the selection of, enrolment of, payments by and certification of students is the Ufficio Dottorati, Master, Corsi di perfezionamento e Studenti stranieri of the Students’ Secretariats. Any requests for information should be sent to the following e-mail address:
Pre-enrolment VAS-Vascular-Independent Research and Education-European Organisation c/o Research Centre on Vascular Disease, University of Milan, Angiology Unit, Luigi Sacco Hospital, Via GB Grassi 74, 20157 Milan.