NEW – NEXT Edition : pre-applications open March.
A Unique Master
To create European culture and professional qualifications in the field of Angiology/Vascular Medicine (synonyms) through a vast international collaboration.
International Master
Institutional collaboration through the signing three way formal agreements between:
1. University of Milan
2. VAS-Vascular-Independent Research and Education-European Organization
3. University of Vienna (A)
4. Charles University of Prague (CZ)
5. Iuliu Hatieganu University, Cluj-Napoca (RO)
6. University of Lubjana (SLO)
7. Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (B)
8. Hungarian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (MAET) (H)
9.University of Zurich (CH)
All institutions are part of the Organising Committee of the Master
The Diploma is awarded by the University of Milan, but all the Universities have signed the commitment to include it in their curricula. It has also been undersigned confirming the intention to work towards achieving a Joint Diploma.
23 European Centres join those preceding for tutorial and/or practical training.
The VAS-European Teaching Panel of Lecturers is the international, multidisciplinary high level didactic skeleton
All the qualified training Centres belong to the VAS Network and thus have a long experience of cooperation.
Enrolment to the MASTER means, therefore, entrance to a consolidated international Network, the possibility to attend one or more European Centres, take part in the drafting of a Cochrane Review and to a European Collaborative Research.
European Master in Angiology Vascular Medicine is the only Master which permits access (see criteria in BEEAVM area) to the CESMA-UEMS European Exam in Angiology/Vascular Medicine to obtain the CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology/Vascular Medicine and is also the briefest way to access
18 months duration
154 h frontal lessons.(which includes attending EADys Academic Meetings– see from home page), and e E-Learning (using the VAS home page area) and “individual study
420 h Tutorial and 250h Practical Trainig in one or more of the following Centres:
1. Ospedale L.Sacco –Milano (I)
2. General Hospital University of Vienna (A)
3. University Medical Center – Lubiana (SL)
4. Flor Ferenc Teaching Hospital – Kistarcsa (H)
5. Medical Clinic n. 1 Hospital – Cluj Napoca (R)
6. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble (F)
7. Inst. Clin Exper Medicine – Praga (CZ)
8. University Hospital Essen (D)
9. ULB Hopital Erasme – Bruxelles (B)
10. Földiklinik GmbH Hinterzarten (D)
11. Az Ospedaliera Universitaria Vittorio Veneto – Catania (I)
12. Ospedale Policlinico GB Rossi Borgo Roma-Verona (I)
13. James Connelly Memorial Hospital – Dublino (IRL)
14. Ospedale Gemelli – Roma (I)
15. Charles University Hospital of Prague (CZ)
16. CHU de Toulouse – Hôpital Rangueil (F)
17. University Hospital Zurich (CH)
18. Wroclw medical University- 4th Military. Hospital (P)
19. Teaching Hospital, Comenius University, Bratislava (SL)
20. Medical University of Graz (A)
21. Beaumont Hospital, Dublin (IRL)
22. SRH Klinikum Karlsbad (D)
23 Ospedale S. Giacomo- Castelfranco Veneto-Treviso (I)
Interim evaluations and Final Exam