1st European Course on VenousTreatments
Sclerotherapy Course Thermal AblationCourse 28th–29th November2016
Enrolment fee € 200 per day (20% reduction and transfer for participants to European Angiology Days, 25-27th November 2016 https://www.vas-int.net/meetings/save-the-date-2016.html)
You can pay by:
Bank Transfer : Using bank transfer method:
- Banco di Desio e della Brianza, Agenzia di Corsico n. 93
IBAN IT74 V034 4033 0300 0000 0161 200
Indicate on the document your name and the course chosen (please send copy of the receipt of the payment to info@vas-int.net or +39-02-50319816) you will be enrolled shortly)
- Using PayPal or Credit Cards (instantaneous access):Once you are logged onto VAS Site click on “Donations” home page. You can use PayPal account (if you have one) or a traditional Credit Card.
The conditions of use of the payment through PayPal can vary according to the country you are from
Please send a copy of your CV (without which your application will not be taken into consideration)
VAS Headquarters : University of Milan – Research Center on Vascular Disease- Angiology Unit- L.Sacco Hospital Information: vas@unimi.it ·Registration: info@vas-int.net