The VAS European Fellowship of Excellence unites Prominent Members of the
Angiology/Vascular Medicine World in a Unique European/International Network of Excellence.
European Fellowship is open to (at least one of the following 4 options):
- Educational Excellence
- Professor of Vascular Medicine/Angiology or University Lecturers in Vascular Medicine
- VAS European Teaching Panel Member
- Heads of Centres, Trainers, and Tutors in a UEMS Accredited European Training Center
- Tutors involved in Teaching and Training for at least 5 years
- Scientific Excellence
- 10 publications in peer-Reviewed journals chosen by the proposer
- Responsible for VAS Independent European or International Research Projects in Vascular Medicine/Angiology or a related field
- Clinical Excellence
- Responsible for Vascular Medicine/Angiology Centres/Units/Departments
- Worked for at least 5 years in Vascular Medicine/Angiology Centres/Units
- UEMS European Diploma Vascular Medicine/Angiology holder
- Specialists who have passed the CESMA-UEMS European Exam to obtain the European Diploma in Vascular Medicine/Angiology
Required: short CV in English plus verifying documents in the original language. All documents will be validated by VAS Advisory Board.
EFE-VAS is a title of Excellence for which VAS requests collaboration, not Fees (€ 60 to cover administrative expenses).
For Young Specialists see: “VAS European Training Fellowship on Vascular Medicine/Angiology”