2014 European Highlights
1st Edition of “PAD&Vascular European Days” March 2014: a great success!
Great success and relevant interest of population ,Phd and Media about the FeeTest.
Each Scientific Society has taken part, in this First edition of the PAD & Vascular European Days promoted by VAS, in different ways according to their local potential. From 2015 the event will be even more extended. You can find active projects already in 2014 in several Countries. The VAS project has been already joint by: Italy (AmaVas, SIAPAV,AMD,AMD), Grece (GSL, HASDF), Hungary (MAET), Ireland (VMI), Poland (PTA), Rumania (RSAVS), Slovenia (SVD), Sweden (SVM), Austria (OGIA), Belgium (BWG A/VM), Czech Republic (CRAS), UK (BCPA), EPS, ESL, IUA.
Comments, reports and some pictures on the PAD&Vascular European Days 2014 will be published on Awareness area shortly. A nice professional Video has been created (see Awareness/FeeTest).
Next edition, 18-19 March 2015. Every National Society, in agreement with VAS, will define a project for 2015 and the synthesis and general aims will presented during the 11th EADays 28th-30th November 2014.
3rd CESMA-UEMS European Exam: Next Edition: Milan, 27th November 2014.
To obtain the CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology-Vascular Medicine. Applications in BEEAVM area.
11th European Angiology Days : 28th -30th November 2014
Cascina Canova –Uggiate Trevano (Como) – Milan Malpensa Airport (I)
The European Angiology Days are Academic meetings organised yearly by VAS with the collaboration of UEMS Division of Angiology/Vascular Medicine.
Updating Scientific Workshops and European Cooperative Projects
“Multidiscipline Joint Session“ with one or more European/International Scientific Societies/Associations.
European Credits by EACCME (2013 = up to 9 )
European Master in Angiology/Vascular Medicine
International Master
Institutional collaboration through the signing of a three way formal agreements between:
University of Milan, VAS and Iuliu Hatieganu University, Cluj-Napoca (RO), University of Vienna (A), Charles University of Prague (CZ), University of Ljubljana (SLO), Hungarian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (MAET) (H), Universitè Libre de Bruxelles (B), University of Zurich (CH).
23 European Centres for tutorial and/or practical training.
The VAS-European Teaching Panel of Lecturers is the international, multidisciplinary high level didactic skeleton
18 months duration : 154 h frontal lessons.(which includes attending EADys Academic Meetings), and e E-Learning (using the VAS home page area and “individual study ; 420 h Tutorial and 250h Practical Training
European Master in Angiology Vascular Medicine is the only Master which permits access to the CESM-UEMS European Exam in Angiology/Vascular Medicine to obtain the CESMA-UEMS European Diploma in Angiology/Vascular Medicine and is also the briefest way to access.
Deadline for applications : 30 October 2014, 12 pm.
European Biobank Vascular Diseases (EBVD-EBPp on PAD patients)
Take part in the no-profit VAS European Biobank on PAD Patients to implement knowledge on PAD and Vascular Disease.
The VAS Biobank is part of and follows the quality rules of the European BBMRI .
Centralized organization. No local costs.
Ask for documents to be presented to your local Ethic Committee.
VAS Membership (for Free : collaboration is the fee) and more information or to apply
Vas Headquarters: Research Center on Vascular Diseases, Angiology Unit-University of Milan, L. Sacco Hospital-Via G. B. Grassi 74 – 20157 Milan (Italy) Phone: (+39) 02 50319813/17 Fax: (+39) 02 50319816 E-mail: vas@unimi.it or from the website(Join us)
Join us as:
Center/Unit of Angiology/Vascular Medicine
Researcher, Clinicians, Health Care Professional
Patient or Voluntary (as VAS Patients’ European Working Group)
Artists, Journalists, Media & Professionals of Communication.